четверг, 8 февраля 2024 г.

Essence and origins of anti-Semitism

 Essence and origins of anti-Semitism

Nobody wants to look at the essence and origins of anti-Semitism, which is about 2500 years old.

        One of the first theorists of anti-Semitism can be considered the Egyptian priest Manethon , who lived under Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC). After his denunciations, the Jews were once again expelled from Egypt.

        The first recorded pogrom of the Jews in Alexandria was in 38 AD.

        The essence of anti-Semitism is in the Torah as a set of archetypes of the collective unconscious of the Jewish people, manifested in the history of relations between Jews and other peoples.

        When the Jews had power, they themselves slaughtered peoples and tribes - the conquest of Canaan.

        The Midianites were completely slaughtered - “and Moses said to them: Why have you left all the women alive? <…> Kill all male children and all women who have known a husband on a man’s bed, kill; and keep all the female children who have not known a man’s bed alive for yourselves” ( Num. 31:15–18 )

        Jerusalem is the city of the Jebusites - where are they? – partly cut out, partly forcibly assimilated.

        When the Jews were out of power, they voluntarily formed financial and cultural ghettos (since the time of their return from Babylonian captivity), covertly and hypocritically hostile to the main population.

            Here is one of the archetypal structures of the Torah .

            Allegedly, in Egyptian slavery, they managed to rob the slave owners who entrusted them (slaves?!) with all their gold (Exodus 12:35-36), to rob them because they had previously saved them from famine (Genesis 47:4).

            At the same time , they were allegedly oppressed so much that out of the 70 people (Exodus 1:5) who came to Egypt after 4 centuries, only 600,000 men (Exodus 12:37) came out ready for battle. Moreover, the slaves ate meat (a luxury at that time) in cauldrons (Exodus 16:3), calling their saviors torturers.

             Another archetypal structure of the Torah.

            Prophet and father, the real creator of the Jews as a people, Moses, after receiving the commandments - “thou shalt not kill,” etc. - directly from God (according to the Torah), yelled at the Jews, then at the whole people.

 - “Why did you leave the children alive?”

“And Moses said to them, Why have you left all the women alive? <…> Kill all male children and all women who have known a husband on a man’s bed, kill; and keep all the female children who have not known a man’s bed alive for yourselves” (Num. 31: 15–18)

           But then the God of the Jews appears . And how does he react to this? Yes, he just doesn’t notice, and does... accounting using the blood of children!!!

"25. And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:

26. Count the spoils of captivity, from man to beast.”

(Book of Numbers 31:25-27)

             “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. Who knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together, and what power they can exert through their cohesion .” ( Marcus Tullius Cicero /106-43 BC/ philosopher, Roman politician, orator)

             2000 years have passed since the time of Cicero, and at the end of the 19th century E. Zola writes in his article “In Defense of the Jews” (sic):

            “I will outline the charges against the Jews point by point. They are accused of being a nationality embedded in the depths of other nationalities, that they live the closed life of a religious caste, that for them there are no borders and that they are a kind of international sect, have no real homeland and, if they ever triumph , capable of subjugating the whole world." ( E. Zola expressed the same thing more harshly in the anti-Semitic tirade of one of his characters in the novel “The Financier”).

            And then he sums it up:  "It's all true ."

            But it immediately seems to be justified:

            “ But, having stated this fact, we must explain it. It must be added that the Jews became what they are now as a result of idiotic persecution that lasted eighteen centuries - we ourselves created this type of people .”

             But Cicero and Seneca (also an “anti-Semite”) say exactly the opposite - they were there before these 18 centuries.

            It is unlikely that there was a global thousand-year conspiracy of the peoples of the Earth, different races, cultures, religions, eras, to jointly and purposefully “create this type of people.”

            There must be some core within the Jews themselves that contributed to such a “conspiracy” of peoples and races.

            And this is the core of the archetypes of the Torah, reproduced for centuries by the rabbinate, Talmudists of all categories, and the very way of Jewish life among these peoples.

             So, we read the Torah, Exodus ( Shemot ) chapter 34, and these are not simple words, but God’s command to the entire Jewish people for all times.

 “1. And the Lord said to Moses: Hew out for yourself two tablets of stone, like the first ones, and I will write on these tablets the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke;

 10 And the Lord said: Behold, I make a covenant: before all your people I will do miracles such as have not been done in all the earth or among any people ;......

12 Be careful not to enter into an alliance with the inhabitants of the land into which you enter, lest they become a snare among you.

13 Destroy their altars, break down their pillars, cut down their sacred groves.

 14 For you must not worship any god other than the Lord; because His name is Zealot; He is a jealous God......

 27 And the Lord said to Moses, Write these words to yourself, for in these words I make a covenant with you and with Israel.

28 And Moses stayed there with the Lord forty days and forty nights, eating no bread or drinking water; And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten chapters ."

             This is their real decalogue (written on the second tablets, and not the first one , the tablets of which Moses broke), and not “Thou shalt not kill,” etc. do not kill your own, but with a stranger who stands on ceremony - destroy and crush their pillars and sacred groves

             The Jews justify this by saying that those nations worshiped idols, for example, Molech.

            But even during the conquest of Canaan and for many centuries after the conquest, the Jews themselves did this, which is reflected by themselves in the Tanakh .


“they built high places for Baal in the valley of the sons of Hinnom , to bring their sons and their daughters through the fire in honor of Molech” ( Jer . 32, 35)

 “he desecrated Tophet , which is in the valley of the sons of Hinnom , so that no one would cause his son or his daughter to pass through the fire to Molech” (2 Kings 23:10)

 “Then Solomon built a temple for Chemosh , the abomination of Moab , on the mountain that is before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of Ammon ” (3 Kings 11:7)

 "21. Do not give any of your children to serve Molech, and do not dishonor the name of your God. I am the Lord." (Leviticus 18:21)

        Hidden contempt for others is expressed in the language of the Jews (a reflection, formed over millennia, of their collective unconscious), in the way Jews treat others, the goyim. As the Jews themselves say, “goyim” are simply different, without any hostile connotation, claiming that there is nothing  wrong with this.

        But let's see how they call the wives and mothers of these others - shiksa (abomination and reptile ).

        "Derived from shikse (from Hebrew שקץ " sheketz " - "abomination, reptile" or "unclean insect") - a Yiddish word meaning a non-Jew and/or a goy , or an insufficiently Orthodox Jew, for example, in terms of standards of behavior ."

        This is what they call our wives, mothers and sisters ( reptiles , insects), this is reflected in their language.

        And language, I repeat once again, is an expression of the collective unconscious, the vocabulary of which cannot be hidden behind empty chatter about tolerance of the always innocently suffering Jewish people.

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